tJotN 2016
First congress
“The Journey of the Needle” exceeds expectations!
The first wave of feedback from the participants of tJotN definitely surpassed my expectations. Although numbers were small ( a 100 attendees) the experience was great. For which I’m very grateful. And I’m not quite sure whether this is the result of my intention to create a slightly different congress with a more scientific angle. Or just the simple merging of a good location, very inspiring speakers, motivated participants and last but not least my devoted team that backed me up in a most excellent way. At least a seed has planted and has to be taken care off in order to continue its journey. The plans for a second congress tJotN are being processed!
Many thanks,
Johanna Biemans,
The use of the acupuncture needle has conquered the world! Instead of getting lost, throughout history the use of acupuncture needles for therapeutic aims became part of the healthcare spectrum around the globe. This has happened despite the fact that the evidence for the efficacy is controversial. During this two day theme congress we will dig deeper into the variables of therapeutic needling: intensity, frequency, type of needle, intention of the therapist, etc. The scientific compass of the journey will have a twofold focus:
1. needles and techniques
2. perceptions of the human body