The 1st edition of Congress The Journey of the Needle was held in Maastricht the Netherlands 8-9 Oktober 2016. TJotN objective is to focus on the use of acupuncture needles in Healthcare.

All posts in Evoluon Eindhoven

Het Evoluon 1960-1970( for dutch translation scroll down)

The inspiration for the Evoluon Eindhoven started at the end of the 1950s. Philips had surprised friend and foe with the Philips pavilion during the first post-war world exhibition in Brussels. ‘Le Poeme Electronique’ attracted more than 1 million visitors in six months. The costs for a temporary exhibition, however, were pretty hefty.
During a dinner by Frits Philips with his ‘artistic right hand’ Louis Kalff the ambition to set up a permanent exhibition space is discussed again. According to tradition, Louis Kalff sketches 3 striking buildings, including the futuristic-looking flying saucer.
In 1963, the construction of the Evoluon Eindhoven started energetically. Partly because of the extremely harsh winters, it is in many ways a feat that the festive completion could take place in 1966. The jubilee gift from Philips to the city of Eindhoven and its people is a fact.


Het evoluon 1970-1980

From the opening to the earliest early 80s, the Evoluon experiences its heyday as a public attraction. The top year was 1970, in which no less than 527,000 visitors passed the entrance gates for an unforgettable visit to an interactive exhibition.
Visitors still vividly remember the red “counters” at the entrance that counted the number of tickets. Numerous fascinating themes were offered on the 3 rings. Health, modern comfort, relaxation, the importance of knowledge and science, communication and traffic and the problems of the ever-growing world population.
Interesting topics were discussed in more depth. In an accessible manner, the general public was explained the working of radar, telephone, satellites, television and many other modern products. Interaction played an important role in this. Learning happened with ease. Learning became an experience.

De inspiratie voor het Evoluon Eindhoven begon eind jaren ’50. Philips had vriend en vijand verrast met het Philipspaviljoen tijdens de eerste naoorlogse wereldtentoonstelling in Brussel. ‘Le Poeme Electronique’ trok in een half jaar meer dan 1 miljoen bezoekers. De kosten voor een tijdelijke expositie waren echter behoorlijk fors.
Tijdens een etentje van Frits Philips met zijn ‘artistieke rechterhand’ Louis Kalff komt de ambitie om een permanente expositieruimte in te richten weer ter sprake. Volgens de overlevering schetst Louis Kalff 3 markante gebouwen, waaronder de futuristisch ogende vliegende schotel.
In 1963 wordt voortvarend gestart met de bouw van het Evoluon Eindhoven. Mede door de extreem strenge winters is het in meerdere opzichten een huzarenstukje dat de feestelijke oplevering al in 1966 kon plaatsvinden. Het jubileumcadeau van Philips aan de stad Eindhoven en haar bevolking is een feit.

evoluon eindhoven

The choice for this years congress venue Evoluon Eindhoven hasn’t been accidental. The dutch Evoluon is the iconic place to be in The Netherlands when it comes to sharing of (scientific) knowledge and innovation.

Read here some of its history.
During the past decades, The Dutch Evoluon Eindhoven has had various destinations. In the first place, dr. Ir. Frits Philips (from Philips* company) had in mind a permanent exhibition space for the general public.
Years later, the Evoluon got a new destination. The futuristic building started to function as the Philips Competence Center. From this capacity, the Evoluon has grown to the multifunctional conference center and event location that it is now.

Opening Evoluon Prins Bernhard, Philips FJ, 24-9-1966 Left Prince Bernhard, right Frits Philips
“It would be wonderful if the Evoluon became a meeting place where people can share and exchange their knowledge, experiences, enthusiasm and inspiration in a way that pays off on multiple fronts, socially and economically.”
Frits Philips
CEO of Philips 1961-1971
Visionary & initiator Evoluon


*Philips is a Dutch technology company headquartered in Amsterdam with primary divisions focused in the areas of electronics, healthcare and lighting. It was founded in Eindhoven in 1891, by Gerard Philips and his father Frederik. It is one of the largest electronics companies in the world and employs around 105,000 people across more than 60 countries. Philips is a leading health technology company focused on improving people’s lives and enabling better outcomes across the health continuum.

The Philips Company was founded in 1891, by Gerard Philips and his father Frederik. Frederik, a Jewish banker based in Zaltbommel, financed the purchase and setup of an empty factory building in Eindhoven, where the company started the production of carbon-filament lamps and other electro-technical products in 1892. This first factory has been adapted and is used as a museum which might be of your interest to visit