The 1st edition of Congress The Journey of the Needle was held in Maastricht the Netherlands 8-9 Oktober 2016. TJotN objective is to focus on the use of acupuncture needles in Healthcare.
Needling to treat the body AND mind Needling to treat the body AND mind Holism with acupuncture needles
Congress The Journey Of the Needle 2019 27 september Eindhoven The Netherlands. Congress The Journey Of the Needle 2019
Countdown has started! Countdown has started!
Storytelling Storytelling
All about the use of acupuncture needles in Healthcare All about the use of acupuncture needles in Healthcare
Inspiration Impressions tJotN 2016 Inspiration
Hands on Hands on

Congres The Journey of the Needle beoogt gezondheidswerkers samen te brengen die gebruik maken van acupunctuurnaalden voor therapeutische doeleinden.

tJotN is bovenal toegewijd aan:

  • stimuleren en onderzoeken van natural healing mechanisms
  • bevragen van juiste wetenschappelijke methodologie bij ‘hands on’ interventies
  • het benoemen van het belang van de behandelaar in ‘hands on’ interventies
  • het belichten van de context in ‘hands on ‘ interventies
  • het koppelen of integreren van meer dan een theorie binnen een behandeling/sessie
  • de meerwaarde van het werken vanuit een mind-body /holistisch mensbeeld.

Location tJotN 2019: The Iconic place to be, Evoluon Eindhoven, The Netherlands.



Contributors and Speakers tJotN2

We proudly present the first lecturers and experts we will meet in Eindhoven September 2018.

Jasmine Uddin

Vice chair of the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board, Head of Education Committee ETCMA

Martine Busch (NL), Director Van Praaginstitute, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Dr. Kai Wu (CN)
is an associate professor in Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine and Vice curator of Museum of Chinese medicine in the West.

Mike Cummings (UK),
MD, PhD. Medical director BMAS (British Medical Acupuncture Society). Lecturer and blogger.

Prof. Dr. Taras Usichenko

Taras I Usichenko currently works at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Greifswald. Taras does research in Anaesthetics.

Clare Foley (I), University of Louvain, Acupuncturist, Researcher, Master in Biophysics.

Jonathan Shubs (CH), teacher and founder at Unified Acupuncture Theory

Dr. Andrew Liem,
Andrew K.S.E. Liem, Anaesthiologist, Painspecialist Gerle Clinic Apeldoorn, The Netherlands


John Jaarsveld (NL)

Head of Research ETCMA/Zhong. Inspirational teacher.

Willem Pinksterboer (NL). Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist, Inspirational blogger and Lecturer

Needles and techniques

The journey starts with the nine classical needles described in the Lingshu, with different shapes and usage. Needles and manipulations are further explored and continued to be used throughout Chinese history. In the mid seventies the acupuncture needle gets introduced in western healthcare. Innovative techniques and needle manufacturing have evolved since then and even an intelligent needle for data collection from within our bodies has been spotted.

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Perceptions of the human body

At least as important as the needle and the technique of manipulations used, is the theory that explains the therapeutic goal. Do we target triggerpoints, neuronal circuits or meridians? The perceptions of the human body changed over time and probably will change in the future. What perceptions match closest the needling craft?

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Also from my side my congrats for this great congress. The concept is impressing and well implemented, great speakers, the location is amazing and the organisation surprisingly (for the first time) well done. The food very good, too.
It really could be the basis for a series of future congresses with much more support from NVA, Zhong and BAF. The work load should be more spreaded. The question is what is the upper limit of participants. Belgium and the Netherlands need a congress like this.
                                                                     Gerd Ohmstede, President ETCMA.

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Nog gefeliciteerd, met het organiseren van beide dagen, erg goed gedaan. Ik denk, dat we toch de weg op moeten gaan van wetenschappelijke onderbouwing, ik heb met veel plezier de artikelen gelezen, in het Engelse Medisch acupunctuur journaal.TCM en wetenschappelijk onderzoek hoeft niet op gespannen voet te staan, mijn idee. Indien ik je van dienst kan zijn, hoor ik dat wel.
Walter van den Branden, fysiotherapeut, accupuncturist